Personal Gym, Collective Job, and Back to the Game

Alex removed his game helmet and settled onto his bed after logging out of the game. It was 10:30 pm, the daily server shutdown time.

While he could log out earlier, there wasn't much reason to do so. He had no particular place to go upon logging out.

"I wish I could find a way to leave this prison… I wonder if my sister is alright…" Alex pondered.

His prison sentence was a whopping 50 years, but Alex was optimistic about finding ways to reduce that time and potentially discover an exit sooner. Eternal Realms seemed like one of the avenues that could help him achieve that.

Alex was aware that the game's popularity was soaring, attracting the attention of companies and influential figures. They might be the key to pulling a few strings to secure his release from prison. It was just a matter of time until the opportunity for freedom presented itself.

After logging out, Alex headed straight to the bathroom for his necessities and a shower. To his surprise, a guard responsible for the night watch near his room knocked on his door.

"Director Louis asked me to give you this," the guard said, handing over a fast-food bag.

"A burger! Thank you! Please thank him for me," Alex replied, taking the bag from the guard and returning to his room. He jumped with joy, a bright smile on his face.

Late-night fast food might not be the healthiest choice, but it had been a while since Alex had enjoyed such a treat. He was more than happy with it.

Alex fetched a chair and positioned it by the window to enjoy his dinner. Despite the metal bars obstructing his view, the night sky, adorned with a radiant full moon and sparkling stars, captivated his gaze.

Though no actual breeze touched his face, it felt as if he could sense its presence. The atmosphere was tranquil and beautiful. Yet, the realization of being confined hit him like a relentless force, prompting contemplation on life.

Everything he had done, every decision he made, was for his sister. In his eyes, it was all worthwhile, and Alex pledged to himself that he would find a way out of that place.

After finishing his meal, brushing his teeth, and changing into fresh clothes, Alex retired to bed. Mentally drained from hours spent in the game, his mind sought the rest it needed for the challenges that awaited him the next day.


The next day began with a breakfast of fried eggs, and there was more good news for Alex.

"Alex," Director Louis said in the hallway, "You see this door next to your room? I put some basic gym equipment for you there, so you don't need to mingle with the rest of the inmates. They are eager to get you, and I don't want a young guy like you ending up dead."

Director Louis was determined to keep Alex safe. Despite facing a long sentence, Alex was still a young man with much life ahead. Moreover, being one of the few prisoners allowed to play the game, his good behavior earned him favorable treatment from Louis.

"Thank you for this, Director Louis," Alex expressed his gratitude sincerely, "For everything you're doing for me."

"It's my job to provide you all with a decent life, despite your past actions. Plus, you're one of the best-behaved prisoners here, never causing trouble. Why shouldn't I do what I can for you? Anyway, you have a job with the others who are playing the game."


Curiosity piqued, Alex wondered who else among the inmates was granted the privilege of playing the game.

"Indeed. You and three others will be painting a part of the prison. A guard will show you the way."

Louis left, and a nearby guard took charge of guiding Alex to the designated area.

The prospect of meeting others in the prison who were also playing the game intrigued and excited Alex. However, he wasn't ready to share his game tag with anyone just yet. As the most famous player in the game, Director Louis was a big fan of the character Shadowborn, aka Alex, but now wasn't the time to reveal that.

Alex wanted to focus on getting out of the prison, securing enough money for protection, and then he could consider sharing his identity with others. His desire to keep his character identity a secret was so strong that he even contemplated finding a way to hide or alter his in-game face.

"Maybe there's an item, a skill, or something that can help me hide my face in-game, or change it... Ah, Alex, think about that later; you have paintings to do."

The guard led him to a recently reformed part of the prison where three others were already present. They acknowledged Alex with a nod, but no further interaction occurred.

"All the things you need are there. Do a good job, and Louis will be pleased with all of you. If you need anything, just ask one of the guards," the guard instructed before leaving.

The prisoners, all players of the game, remained silent. To have this privilege, they needed good behavior, and they were not violent offenders. Alex was confident of that. Louis wouldn't allow dangerous individuals to play the game.

As they started working, none of them spoke. They didn't share their names, the reasons for being there, or their progress in Eternal Realms. Alex appreciated the silence; he had no intention of revealing anything to them. The identity of Shadowborn had to stay a secret.

Or did it? There were already videos circulating online showing him defeating players to upgrade his Umbra Blade. The only thing concealing his appearance was a black robe with a hood given to him by Shade. While it covered his face, there might still be videos showing some features.

Surprisingly, none of the prisoners said anything, all quiet, focused on doing the job. Also, they didn't link his face to Shadowborn, just like Director Louis, and that was a relief. This realization strengthened Alex's resolve to find a way to completely alter or conceal his appearance.

The painting job turned out to be a task that would span a few days, perhaps a month or so. After working on it during the morning and afternoon, with a break for lunch, Alex would return to his cell around 5 pm.

This gave him ample time to have a meal, engage in some gym training with the basic equipment provided—dumbbells, a bar, and equipment for dips. While the equipment was rudimentary, Alex appreciated the opportunity to train alone in his new personal gym, all thanks to Director Louis.

After the evening routine of eating, training, and showering, Alex settled onto his bed and connected to the game, eager to explore more of it.