Mountain of the Giant Cliff (1)

The Mountain of the Giant Cliff—that was the place Alex sought. Mikkel, the royal vampire, had instructed him to go there after his transformation was completed.

But where was that place? It's not like Alex had a map of the surrounding area. He needed to buy one for himself, so that's where he went after returning to the city of Crystal.

Inside the city, numerous shops were available, and Alex randomly chose one to check. Naturally, it was a miscellaneous shop, the kind of place where he could find a map.

"Hello, customer! Welcome to Judith's Trinkets and Pawns. What is it that you are looking for?"

A stunning woman with red hair greeted him from behind the counter. Her happiness was infectious, and Alex couldn't help but smile back at her. "A map. One with The Mountain of the Giant Cliff on it, if possible."

When the girl looked at Alex, she placed her hand on her mouth in shock.

"A-Are you perhaps the friend of the Mayor? I believe I saw you with him, and everyone knows you by this point."

Alex was well aware that this was the effect of the title he got, but he said nothing about it.

"Yes, that's me. Why?"

Judith smiled. "This map right here," she said, grabbing a piece of paper from her counter, "It has the mountain you are looking for, as well as the entire surrounding area. You can get it for free, seeing you are an important figure in this city."

She handed over the map, and Alex was more than happy to accept it.

"Thank you," Alex said, "But is there something you need help with? I don't like getting stuff for free like this."

Alex was sincere in his statement, but he also had another motive: free quests! There was no reason not to try to get more quests along the way.

"Well, if you insist, there is indeed something I need help with," Judith said, gesturing for Alex to sit with her at a table in the shop's corner.

"You see, I don't have any parents. Don't feel bad about it. My aunt is the only person I have. She lives alone in the forest, and, don't scream, her cabin is near this mountain you seek! Could you find her and see how she's doing? Also, ask her when will she come to the city to meet me."

New Quest

Family Matters

Rank: C

[Judith wants you to find her aunt's cabin near The Mountain of the Giant Cliff and talk to her.]

[Rewards: ???]

It was a C quest, which wasn't bad. Alex knew he wouldn't be getting S, A, and even B quests non-stop. Those were rarer, and he was more than happy with the rewards he got so far.

Also, he had to go to that mountain anyway to speak with Mikkel, so why not grab a quest that led him there? After accepting the quest and getting the map from Judith, Alex left the shop. He left the city as well.

The Mountain of the Giant Cliff wasn't too far from the city of Crystal, but it would still take him around three in-game hours to get there. That was quite a bit of time!

While traveling, Alex could kill some monsters to gain EXP, but there was no denying that the others had the upper hand in that regard while he traveled to that location. Yet, it was virtually impossible for them to pass him, right?

"I wonder when I'll get a mount. Now that I think of it, could I learn how to turn into a bat? That would be nuts!" Alex thought to himself while walking a cobblestone path toward his destiny.

Nothing eventful occurred along the way. No enemies attacked him; the cobblestone path was surprisingly safe. Despite the uneventful journey, Alex took pleasure in the picturesque landscapes surrounding him.

Forests, mountains, rivers, and lakes unfolded before his eyes. There were numerous farms around the city as well. A few carriages passed by, with some even offering him a ride.

"No thanks."

Then, an unexpected revelation unfolded before him.

[Global Announcement]

[Party Leader FriedBaconInTheMorning and three other players are the first to kill a field boss]

[Rewards: 10 Gold Coins each, and three levels.]

Alex halted for a moment, absorbing the announcement. Surprise shifted to determination and eagerness to press on.

"I must remember I am not the only player in this game. Others will also find and receive rewards... Also, this FriedBaconInTheMorning is catching up to me…"

FriendBaconInTheMorning held the second rank in the leveling hierarchy. After completing and gaining the reward of three levels, he reached level 8. Two more levels, and he would enter the city, just like Alex.

For that reason, Alex hastened his footsteps, breaking into a run toward his destination. He could not afford to lose time…

The sun was on the verge of setting as Alex reached his destination, revealing an incredible view before him.

A colossal mountain, towering over all others he had encountered along the way, dominated the scene. The landscape was adorned with numerous cliffs, likely the inspiration for its name.

Now faced with the challenge of locating Judith's aunt's cabin, Alex pondered its possible placement. Was it nestled at the mountain's summit or situated at its base? His relentless search continued. Then, a distinctive detail caught his eye: smoke.

"Perhaps it's a campfire or a fireplace. Let me investigate," Alex mused, veering towards the source of the smoke.

The sight of a cabin soon unfolded before him, yet an unsettling feeling crept over Alex. It wasn't about the cabin itself, but rather the sense that someone was watching him.

Quickly scanning his surroundings, Alex sought the source of this peculiar sensation, and there, he found Mikkel!

Mikkel appeared significantly healthier, having seemingly regained all the strength he had lost.

"What brings you here?" Alex inquired. "Didn't you mention residing in a cave?"

"Indeed, I do," Mikkel confirmed. "But that woman over there is my blood source. How do you think I recovered so swiftly? Come, let us meet her."