Shop Discount and Surprise

The imminent day held the promise of being a demanding one for Alex. His room, though not expansive, had fallen into a state of disarray, urgently requiring a thorough cleaning. It was a task that would undoubtedly consume a significant chunk of his time and attention.

Upon rising from his bed, Alex hastily consumed a modest breakfast, knowing that a task awaited him—meeting with his fellow inmates engaged in the painting assignment, an endeavor set forth by the meticulous Director Louis. In stark contrast to the muted atmosphere of the previous day, lively conversations now flowed freely among the group.

A tall and imposing figure named Marcus took the initiative to break the silence. "What are you guys thinking of the game so far? Enjoying it? I am Marcus, by the way," he inquired, injecting an air of curiosity into the conversation.

Marcus's physical presence exuded intimidation, but as Alex soon discovered, it was merely a facade. Beneath the imposing exterior, Marcus revealed a friendly and approachable demeanor.

'What's the story behind his imprisonment?' Alex couldn't help but ponder.

In the absence of responses from the others, Alex took it upon himself to engage with Marcus. "The game is incredible," he shared, focused on the task at hand, "and the fact that we're just at the beginning adds to the excitement."

To Alex's surprise, Marcus approached him with palpable enthusiasm. Alex, bracing himself momentarily, found Marcus warmly grabbing his shoulders. "Right? I think the same way! We could play together in the future!"

While the idea of joining forces with Marcus held its merits, Alex decided to exercise caution. Shadowborn's identity was significant, and trust needed to be earned. The decision to wait and observe was, in his view, a prudent move.

The other two inmates, JP and Kennedy, also engaged in conversation, albeit with less exuberance than Marcus. Despite the initial exchange, they prioritized the completion of their painting job efficiently. A swift lunch break and an afternoon of focused work brought them to around 4 pm, at which point they were dismissed for the day.

As Alex returned to his room, he couldn't help but sense the hungry stares of his fellow prisoners. However, none dared to make a move, well aware of the watchful eyes of the guards and Director Louis's explicit instructions to ensure Alex's safety. The potential threat from other inmates remained at bay, providing a sense of relief for Alex as he delved into the task of cleaning his room —- a chaotic place.

Alex set to work, diligently cleaning every nook and cranny — dirty clothes, dust, and the towering stack of dishes that had amassed in his sink.

The need for such a thorough cleaning had arisen due to Alex's own negligence, a mistake he resolved not to repeat. "No more letting it pile up," he muttered to himself, acknowledging the lesson learned.

With the cleaning tasks completed, Alex declared, "Shower time." The day of painting and room cleanup had left him drenched in sweat, exacerbated by the fact that his clothes were now adorned with paint stains. An urgent bath was in order.

Having tackled these necessary but mundane chores, Alex eagerly anticipated his return to the gaming world. Before the servers officially reopened, he took a moment to peruse the in-game news and forums. There, he stumbled upon a post by FriedBaconInTheMorning.

"Is he really challenging me?" Alex couldn't help but laugh at the audacity of the proposition. While acknowledging FriedBaconInTheMorning's undeniable skill in leveling up quickly, Alex pondered the nature of the challenge. A duel, perhaps? Confident in his hidden unique class and unique vampire race, Alex dismissed the notion that FriedBaconInTheMorning stood a chance, at least not in the current stage of the game.

Seated on his bed, Alex donned the game helmet and seamlessly transitioned into the virtual realm of Eternal Realms. The familiar scene of his cramped room transformed into a picturesque landscape with a cobblestone road, a clear blue sky, and lush greenery.

Judith, the NPC who had provided Alex with the map, awaited his return to hear about her aunt. Despite the precarious situation with Mikkel, the royal vampire, feeding on her, the news seemed hopeful — Judith's aunt appeared likely to survive.

Regardless, Alex was determined to complete the quest and commence his venture into the first dungeon, now that he had equipped himself with a full set of armor, a vital component he had been lacking until now.

Under the scorching sun, Alex felt the heat on his face, suffering a 5% debuff to his attributes. Though inconvenient, he knew he could counter it by utilizing robes and shadows to shield himself from the sun's rays.

Swiftly returning to the city, Alex traversed the cobblestone path, free from the threat of monsters. The journey was pleasant, and he moved like a shadow, racing back to the safety of the city. After about an hour and a half, he reached the city and made a beeline for Judith's shop, eager to share the news.

Judith's expression lit up with a mix of happiness and curiosity as Alex entered.

"Did you find her? Did you find my aunt?" she asked eagerly.

"Yes," Alex responded, relaying the details. Judith's aunt had promised to visit her in a month, eliciting excitement from Judith.

"Thank you for this! I know it was your way of repaying for the map, but I still want to compensate you. You can buy anything from my shop with a 5% discount. What do you say?"

[Quest Completed]

[+25,000 EXP]

[Permanent 5% Discount on All Items in Judith's Shop]

The offer of a permanent 5% discount on all items in Judith's shop was a significant boon for Alex. Excited by the possibilities, he contemplated the idea of further improving her shop for additional benefits.

Although he hoped for more quests, none were immediately available. Alex decided to make a purchase, acquiring a few empty potion flasks before leaving the shop. As he ventured toward the central part of the city, a notable sight caught his attention — a group of four players entering through Crystal's city gates.

To his surprise, the leader of the group was none other than FriedBaconInTheMorning!