Tomb of the Dead (2)

As the first adversary materialized before him—a formidable Skeleton Warrior with a level of 15, just one level below Alex himself—he felt the gravity of the dungeon's challenges. The monsters within were evidently more potent than those outside, demanding a heightened level of skill and strategy.

In response, Alex seized his Umbra Blade with determination, bracing himself for the imminent confrontation. The Skeleton Warrior wielded a rusty curved sword, poised for an attack. Alex, agile and alert, anticipated the strike and executed a nimble backward jump, evading the assault with finesse. Without a moment's hesitation, he lunged forward, unleashing his skill, Shadow Strike.

[Damage Dealt 330]

A conspicuous number materialized above the skeleton's head, signifying the impressive damage inflicted by Alex's assault. The inherent potency of his skill, combined with the formidable base damage of the Umbra Blade, proved overwhelming for the skeletal adversary. Despite the enemy's attempts at defense, Alex's attack transcended its meager protections, showcasing the strength and prowess of his character in the perilous confines of the Tomb of the Dead.

As the Skeleton Warrior staggered from the force of Alex's powerful strike, it became evident that the attack had inflicted significant damage. While the adversary still stood, it was clear that its health had plummeted substantially. This realization boosted Alex's confidence, knowing that he had the upper hand in the encounter.

With the enemy's health diminished, Alex swiftly assessed the situation and prepared for the next moves. The confidence gained from the successful strike fueled his determination to face the challenges within the Tomb of the Dead, one adversary at a time. The battle had only just begun, and Alex remained poised and focused, ready to press on against the formidable foes that awaited him in the depths of the dungeon.

Caught up in the intensity of his engagement with the Skeleton Warrior, Alex inadvertently neglected his surroundings, a lapse that left him vulnerable to the perils of the dungeon. From a distance, another adversary, a skeletal archer with a level matching its counterpart, seized the opportunity to exploit this moment of distraction.

Unbeknownst to Alex, the skeletal archer notched an arrow and aimed with precision. The projectile sailed through the air, finding its mark as it struck Alex's right shoulder. Despite his remarkable reflexes and elevated dexterity, evading the arrow proved impossible in the heat of the moment. A jolt of pain surged through his virtual body, causing discomfort that, while not intense due to the nature of the VR game, was enough to register.

The impact was twofold, as the arrow not only caused discomfort but also chipped away at his health.

[-35 Health Points]

"Damn it!" Alex cursed vehemently as the blood seeped from his wounded shoulder, creating a macabre rhythm as it splattered onto the ground like rain. The arrow's impact had more than just a fleeting physical effect on him; it triggered an additional ailment that threatened his well-being.


[Losing HP over time]

[Duration: 30 Seconds]

A dreaded status affliction—bleeding. The gradual health loss wasn't catastrophic, but akin to the anxiety induced by poison damage in games, it instilled a sense of unease. Fueled by this urgency, Alex swiftly maneuvered towards the skeletal adversary he had already wounded, determined to eliminate it before the bleeding effect took its toll.

To enhance his offensive capabilities, Alex tapped into one of his unique abilities.

[Doppelganger (LVL 1): Create a clone of yourself that can mimic your actions for 10 seconds. The clone's damage will be 50% lesser than your typical damage. But each attack from the clone will recover 50% of your Shadow Essence.]

From the shadows emerged a doppelganger, a spectral replica of Alex. The clone mirrored his movements, and as Alex executed another Shadow Strike, the doppelganger followed suit. While the clone's damage output was diminished, it proved to be a formidable ally in the duel against the beleaguered skeleton.

[Damage Dealt 330]

[Damage Dealt 165]

The combined onslaught overwhelmed the first skeleton, its skeletal form crumbling to the ground as Alex and his doppelganger synchronized their attacks.

With the first skeleton vanquished, Alex redirected his focus towards the skeletal archer that had launched the arrow that wounded him. The persistent bleeding effect added urgency to the situation, compelling him to swiftly conclude the battle.

The skeletal archer, still maintaining a distance, prepared another arrow. Capitalizing on the momentary diversion caused by his doppelganger's attack, Alex closed in with a swift dash, his Umbra Blade gleaming in the dim light.

Executing a nimble maneuver, Alex sought to repeat the success of his earlier tactics.

[Shadow Strike] [Damage Dealt 330]

The archer, caught off guard by the renewed assault, staggered backward. The archer switched to a rusty short sword, signaling a shift to close-quarters combat.

Now engaged in melee, the adversaries clashed within the tomb's confines. Alex, determined to prevail, weaved a dance of strikes and evasions, balancing offense and defense. The rhythmic clash of weapons echoed through the stone corridors.

The skeleton attacked a few times, and despite enduring a few slashes from the skeletal archer, Alex pressed on, determined to finish the battle. With a final, decisive strike, he overcame the adversary, bringing an end to both skeletons. As the skeletal archer crumbled to the ground, Alex took a moment to survey the aftermath and absorb the rewards of his victory.

[+40 Copper Coins]

[+40 Copper Coins]

Skeleton Bone Dropped]

While there was no experience gained from the skeletons, the monetary rewards were substantial. Each skeleton contributed a decent amount of copper coins to Alex's inventory. Additionally, a peculiar item, a Skeleton Bone, dropped from one of the defeated foes. Its purpose remained a mystery, intriguing Alex with the possibilities that lay ahead.

The loot and currency acquired were merely the initial spoils of the dungeon, and Alex's excitement surged at the prospect of encountering more valuable drops, especially those that awaited him from the potential boss monsters deeper within the Tomb of the Dead. The journey through the dungeon had only just begun, and with each new challenge, Alex anticipated uncovering the treasures and mysteries that awaited him in the darkened corridors of the ancient tomb.