Church Interference

The group of six players stood in front of Alex's horse, staring directly into his eyes. For the first time in a long while, Shadowborn was revealing his face. Because of this, many players around were recording, seeking views, and fame.


"Are you sure you want to do this? I can set you back to LVL 1," Alex said.


There was no reason for that group of players to try to attack him in that manner. It was obvious they would lose unless someone was behind them, ordering that attack.


"Set us back to LVL 1? Who do you think you are? We are six players, and you're just one! Even if you're a high level, it's impossible for you to win!"


They did have some point. Lower-level players didn't have as many skills at their disposal. Another crucial factor was that their items weren't very good either. So, even with a higher level and more distributed points, a normal player would lose that fight at that stage of the game.