The Church's Efforts

The pair descended into the basement, finding Samantha fully healed from her injuries.


"What's the commotion upstairs?" Samantha inquired.


"The church has picked up our trail. Listen, Samantha," Mikkel's tone was grave.


"Shadowborn and I plan to escape using our bat transformation. Your task is to go upstairs and conceal the basement entrance. You'll have to find a way to do it without arousing suspicion."


Alex stood nearby, absorbing the instructions.


"Remember this: vampirism has no cure. Sooner or later, you'll turn. Betray us, and you'll meet your end, with Judith suffering before you. Follow my orders, and don't attempt anything clever."


Though Samantha wasn't fully transformed into a vampire, and there was no blood connection with Alex, the threats seemed effective.


"Fine, but make it quick. I need to hide the basement entrance!" Samantha urged.