Legendary Sub Class

Mayor Sebastian's body was there, leaning in one of the corners of the room, hidden behind the bookshelf. He seemed to be preserved, much different from a regular corpse. Alex approached to check for a pulse, but everything indicated that Sebastian was dead.


'Is he really dead? Maybe some magic or poison did this to him... Anyway, that's not the issue! The question is, who is running the city?'


For Alex, if the real Sebastian was still alive, it would be a bonus, but what was causing him fear was who was in charge of the city. How long had the real Sebastian been in that room? Judging by the dust and the situation, it seemed like a long time.


Alex wished Shade were nearby to help him face this catastrophe, but as everything indicated, he wasn't.


'Think, Alex. If this is part of some main quest, the enemy can't be too strong. I guess the game creators didn't think someone would find this out so soon...'