Knowing more about the inmates

The idea was inside Alex's mind, but he said nothing to Judith, yet. That was something he had to work on before saying a word.


"This is your room. Feel free to ask me anything you need," Judith said.


Alex analyzed the room, and it wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst either. The room had everything one might need, and that was more than enough for him.


"Thanks, and good night, Judith."


Judith's cheeks turned red, again, just like when she saw Alex appear in the middle of the night in front of her shop.


"You too, good night," Judith said as she left in a hurry, locking herself in her room.


Alex found it funny. Was she starting to like him? The idea of dating an NPC looked strange to him.


Anyway, Alex was a player, so he did not need to sleep at all. It was nice to chill on the bed — his body hurt the same way as his real one, so resting was important — but actual sleep? No need.