Good News, House Arrest

A fireball flew from the forest, heading toward the remaining vampire. Alex noticed it and jumped away; it was not wise to get hit by that.


The fireball wasn't that fast, but because it came from somewhere the vampire had no idea of, and because the vampire was still returning to his senses after the sneak attack, it easily hit him.


[630 Damage Dealt]


Mary's damage was no joke! It surprised even Alex. The attack hadn't been a critical hit — it was hard for mages to do critical hits — but because vampires were weak to fire, the damage was outstanding.


The vampire's clothes burned, as well as his skin. It screamed in pain, using its hands to try to diminish the fire, yet it was impossible.


Joseph, who watched the fight from afar, did not even start playing his instrument. 'Shadowborn will finish it in the next attack,' he thought.