Kids Saved, Some Clues

Alex wanted to go after the strange cultist mage, but at what cost? The entire cave was falling apart, and it would certainly mean death going after that person.


Jhin sighed, relieved, after getting out of the cave with Alex and the missing kids. "Are you okay?"


"Yes, I am fine, but unfortunately, I didn't get to know who did this."


It was not all lost, though. The cultist was part of a bigger group, and now Alex knew that. Perhaps it would be possible to look for more information regarding that?


Anyway, Alex and Jhin returned to the village with the missing kids, and soon, a crowd of people gathered in the village center. There, the parents of said missing kids were crying, not believing their eyes.


"Thank you! You saved them!"


The mother of one of the kids kneeled in front of Jhin and Alex. When all the kids were back at the village safely, a notification popped up.