First Tournament, High Cash Prize

Alex woke up early the following day. The first thing he did was take a shower and dress up more nicely, as Emma was coming to meet him during the morning. A few knocks on his door happened the moment he finished dressing. He answered.


Emma was smiling the moment Alex opened the door, and when she saw him well-dressed and with his hair styled, she got quiet for a moment. It surprised her, and Emma had to recompose herself.


"I was thinking we could go out eating this morning. There's a bakery nearby that is just marvelous. Also, here's my number."


She wanted to give her number the other day, but she didn't find the courage to do so. Alex grabbed the piece of paper and put it above his table.


"I will message you later so you can save my number. Now, please, Emma, lead the way. You are the one who knows things around here."