Eldoria Magic School

It was still afternoon when they finished bathing in that private area—a pretty good one. Jhin was much happier and no longer looked like a homeless person.


"Oh, right, I almost forgot," Jhin said, grabbing something from his robes. "Here it is."


The item in his hands was the magical whistle Alex had given him during the confusion with Alaric.


"This saved my life. Thank you, again."


Jhin did not know how to repay Alex for what he had done. The only reason he was there, talking to him, was because of the magical horse summoned by the whistle. Not only that, but Alex's quick thinking during the situation made a huge difference.


"No need to thank me. We still have a long journey ahead of us. What do you think? Shall we continue, or do you need to rest?" Alex asked.