War is Coming?

Everything was very confusing. Alex was lost in his thoughts when his food arrived.


He ordered pizza. The craving for pizza was strong, and as he had nothing to do at home, he decided to satisfy his desire.


"So good!"


A large pizza was completely demolished by him. Alex was on a diet and went to the gym to stay in shape, and just one day of indulging in junk food wouldn't affect him that much. On the contrary, it was great for helping clear his mind.


It was already quite late at night when he finished dinner. One of the benefits of ordering pizza was not having dishes to wash, so Alex went straight to bed.


Lying in his bed, he thought about all the things happening, both in the game and in his life, and drifted off to sleep with those thoughts on his mind...


The next day started like any other. Alex had a hearty breakfast, rested for a bit, and went to the gym in his building.