Extracting Answers Using Cruel Methods

The elves weren't there to play. It was the first time Alex was facing such intelligent enemies!

It was common knowledge that elves, in general, were smart creatures.

'Fuck. What should I do?' Alex thought.

He grabbed the arrow from his shoulder, pulling it out without flinching for a second. His deadly gaze locked onto the elf before him. The elf, in question, was surprised to see such a fierce human. Most would cry out in pain after being shot in the shoulder like that, yet Alex remained as vigorous as ever.

One of the many benefits of being a vampire was faster HP regeneration, and because it was nighttime, the regeneration was even better! The wound started closing at a rapid pace, and Alex's HP increased constantly.

The elf noticed it, his eyes wide open. Not many creatures had such powerful regeneration. Normal humans did not possess it, of that the elf was certain.