The Mysterious Council

The aura around Yta was that of a powerful individual, one that Alex could only dream of winning against. How could he be so powerful?

Alex had never heard about the council before. Gareth was the first person speaking of it, and it intrigued him. He wanted to ask more questions about it, but it was not the right time. They needed to show where Sebastian was.

'I just hope Mikkel is not here.'

Mikkel was often in their new mansion or doing other things Alex did not know. But sometimes he was down there, in the tunnels, and Alex prayed he wouldn't be down there while Yta roamed around. That would mean certain death.

"How did you find this tunnel? It seems this is old and once used to evacuate the high-class members of Crystal," Yta said, his eyes gazing on Alex and Gareth.

It was a simple question, and Yta was just asking, yet the pressure on them was almost unbearable. Alex's curiosity was growing more and more.