Can I Come in?

Judith wanted to become a vampire. Samantha, her aunt, was also a vampire, and Alex couldn't deny her request. Samantha wanted Judith to become one too. "This will give her some power to protect herself!" she said.

In a dangerous world like that one, being a weak human had its drawbacks. Samantha wanted her family to have enough power to protect themselves and not depend on others.

With a heavy heart, Alex nodded in agreement to Judith's request. He understood her desire to be with Samantha, to have the strength to protect herself in the perilous world they lived in. Samantha's insistence only solidified his decision.

"Alright," Alex said, his voice steady despite the weight of his decision. "But understand that once this is done, there's no turning back. You'll be a vampire for eternity."

Judith nodded solemnly, her eyes reflecting both determination and a hint of fear. "I understand, Alex. I'm ready."