Bar Fight

After seeing Khalita, Alex left and regrouped with Joseph, Mary, and Emma. They were exploring the magic school, but once he suggested they leave, none of them objected. For them, it was nice to see a place like that—different, magical, exciting—but they were there for a reason, and that reason should come first.

"We should split up and look for more information about quests, dungeons, or anything else that might be useful to us," Alex said.

Emma was the first to respond, grabbing Alex's arm. "We can form two teams. What do you think?"

Mary didn't seem thrilled about the idea, but she didn't argue. Besides, Alex was the leader of the team, and he was okay with it as well.

"That's a good idea. Being alone is dangerous in an unknown place like this one, so having a partner is great. We can stay in contact through messages, and if anyone finds a decent quest, we can share it among ourselves," Alex suggested.