A Job

Alex saw no reason to continue fighting against the drunk man. The tavern owner went to speak with him as well, so continuing to fight would just be dumb.

"Sure, no problem. I didn't even know this guy or his wife," Alex said.

The tavern owner chuckled, "Yeah, I thought so. Anyway, sorry for this inconvenience. Can I offer you some drinks?"


After the display of skill exhibited by Alex, no one in the tavern wanted to pick a fight with him. Everyone dispersed and returned to their tables.

Alex sat in a bar chair and grabbed a few mugs of beer. He couldn't get drunk—at least not with normal drinks—so he wasn't worried about drinking a lot of beer.

During the drinking session, Alex took the chance to ask the tavern owner about the man on the second floor. "Could you tell me if that man over there is looking for help? I heard some rumors that he might want to hire people for a job."