How Long

Five Red Orcs in total. That was quite a powerful force to go against. Alex and his team had diminished the health of the first three orcs, but the two new ones were as fresh as ever!

Not only that, but there was also another problem. One of the strengths of the Red Orcs was their HP regeneration. It was powerful enough to heal the most profound wounds.

Alex knew about it, and his team did too. So, now that two other orcs would tank the damage, the others could start healing up!

"We cannot let the orcs heal! Use your strongest skills!" Alex yelled.

The situation required heavy damage.

[Bladeform Mastery (LVL1): You will receive buffs depending on the form of your Umbra Blade. The buff will appear on screen the moment you change your Umbra Blade's form.]

His Umbra Blade changed forms, moving like a living being. It turned into a massive, dark greatsword!