Barricading the Apartment

The hot shower rejuvenated Alex, who had been feeling tense due to everything that was happening. He emerged shirtless from the bathroom, catching Emma off guard as she looked at his toned body. All the effort he had put into the gym was paying off!

Emma discreetly bit her lip as she admired Alex's physique, but she didn't say anything and quickly turned her face to avoid seeming too obvious.

Of course, Alex noticed all of this, but he also didn't say anything. There was no need to make things awkward between them.

"The lunch smells amazing. You made rice, salad, and chicken? If that's it, it's perfect! I'm really focused on my gym routine," Alex remarked.

Emma chuckled. "Yes, that's right. You're always working out, so I figured you must be following a strict diet. Well, I think I'll head back to my apartment now. If you need anything, just send me a message."