Captain Title and Lilith

The tower of Sebastian looked impressive, as always. A beautiful receptionist guided Alex to the top floor where Sebastian was located. Alex already knew the way—it wasn't his first time there—but everyone wanted to show respect to Alex, especially when they learned that he was the one who found Sebastian, which, whether they liked it or not, was the reason for his rescue.

"He's in there. You can knock on the door; he's expecting you," said the receptionist.

"Alright, thank you."

Before Alex could even open the door to Sebastian's office, Sebastian himself opened it, greeting Alex with gentle eyes. Sebastian was much different from before, and for a moment, Alex felt like he was looking at his grandfather.

"So, you're Shadowborn? I've heard great things about you from Shade, and I know you were the young man who found me. Thank you, young man."