Underground Area

The streets were much easier to cross, precisely because the number of enemies was zero. But at the same time, it caused a certain strangeness for Alex and his group, since the silence of the empty place was deafening, frightening.

At every step, Alex couldn't help but look around, afraid that some creature might appear out of nowhere. That place was still a dungeon, so it was not a place to let one's guard down.

"So you guys got here and ran until you found this place?" Alex asked.

"Exactly," Rorik said, recalling the things that had happened, "It was really difficult, and I thought I was going to die. Well, it's over now, isn't it?"

He was very upset by what had happened, but as he said, time would help him in that situation.

They continued through the familiar streets of the city. Alex and his group had explored them several times. However, there was a certain alley that had gone unnoticed by Alex just because it was covered in vines.