
Rorik and Elara stared at him with disbelief. Alex had transformed into a type of monster before their eyes, and the two didn't know how to react.

"D-Did you know about this?" Elara asked, her gaze shifting to Joseph and the others. "You don't look so surprised!"

Joseph and Mary had seen Alex's transformation before, and as vampires themselves, it wasn't as shocking to them. Emma, while aware of the vampires, had never witnessed the transformation firsthand. However, her familiarity with Alex both in-game and out mitigated her fear of it.

"Calm down, this is not what you think. We can explain," Joseph said, gesturing for peace.

While the group discussed Alex's Nocturnal transformation, Alex's mind was elsewhere. Despite having killed the Bloodied Vampire, the boss, there were no notifications appearing for him.

'Is it truly dead?' Alex thought as his gaze fell on where the Bloodied Vampire's body had been...

"Watch out!" Alex yelled.