New Enemies, and PK Reunion

With slow, deliberate steps, they ascended to the second floor of the castle. If the first floor had already presented them with plenty of enemies, they could anticipate a similar situation on the second floor.

Alex remained hyper-aware of his surroundings, scanning for any potential threats before they could attack him or his group. However, with Harkor's presence, it was difficult for creatures to catch them off guard.

"How dangerous do you think the remaining floors are?" Alex inquired.

Harkor fielded the question, offering his insight, "I believe the challenges will be similar, with comparable enemies up to the fifth floor. Beyond that, things may become more difficult."

Considering the castle had a total of six floors, it implied that the final two floors would likely pose the greatest challenges, according to Harkor. Alex couldn't be certain if that prediction was entirely accurate, but only time would tell.