Fifth Floor

The last floors of the castle were unusually quiet, which left Alex and his friends feeling a bit uneasy about what lay ahead. While a moment of peace was welcome, it wasn't something typically encountered in a dungeon.

"This silence is rather unsettling," Joseph observed, stroking his beard. "I'm not sure if this is a good sign or not."

"Stay focused. We're nearing the fifth floor, and that's where the real danger awaits," Alex reminded them.

After leaving the room with the paintings, the castle remained eerily quiet. There were no more monsters, traps, or signs of any threats to the group. Consequently, they quickly made their way to the staircase leading to the fifth floor, with Harkor guiding them forward.

However, as they ascended the staircase to the fifth floor, the previously tranquil atmosphere shifted dramatically. With each step, Alex's heart raced, signaling that the true challenge of the dungeon was about to begin.