Gravetwist Bloom

[Gravetwist Bloom (Dungeon Boss)]

[Level: 30]

The sight that met their eyes was nothing short of horrifying. Before them stood the Gravetwist Bloom, a creature so grotesque and unsettling that it sent shivers down their spines. Alex had anticipated encountering a plant-type boss on the sixth floor, given the overgrowth they had witnessed, but nothing could have prepared them for the sheer horror of this abomination.

Emma's voice quavered as she spoke, her hands trembling as she clutched her staff. "T-This is terrifying," she stammered, her eyes wide with fear.

Mary reached out, gently taking Emma's hand in her own, offering what comfort she could muster. "Relax, Emma. We can do this. Remember, we're not alone here," she reassured her, her voice steady despite the palpable tension in the air.