Showing the Mansion

Almost every player in the virtual world knew Alex, especially after recent events. Once again, he had achieved the extraordinary feat of conquering a dungeon that had eluded all other players. His triumph not only earned him the admiration of his peers but also propelled him back to the coveted rank one position on the leveling ladder, further solidifying his status as a legend among players.

While there were certainly detractors and haters, most lacked the courage to confront him face-to-face. A group of five girls approached Alex, their demeanor shy yet eager to bask in his presence. They attempted to catch his attention by subtly revealing more of their attire, accentuating their allure.

"Hey, Shadowborn, could you sign this for us? We have a pen," one of the girls requested, presenting a feather pen and indicating her clothing, just beside her bust.