Game Event, Crazy Fans

The night before Alex, Joseph, and Tess arrived at the hotel, a clandestine meeting unfolded in the shadows.

"Are you certain this is the hotel where Shadowborn will be staying?" questioned a figure cloaked in darkness.

"Yes, without a doubt. Do not doubt the reliability of my sources. He will be here for a duration of three days," affirmed another, their voice tinged with a sinister edge.

A chilling laugh reverberated through the night, filled with malice and anticipation. It was a laugh that spoke of nefarious intentions and dark schemes yet to unfold.


A sleek limousine awaited Alex in front of the hotel at precisely 11 am. By then, he had already indulged in a hearty breakfast, luxuriated in a refreshing shower, and savored a few moments of relaxation in the comfort of his room.