Illusion Spell

Harkor led the way to one of the many training rooms inside the mansion. It was a place where anyone could lock themselves in and practice whatever abilities they had.

"How does this disguise work?" Alex inquired.

"We are masters of illusion, so this disguise essentially alters the perception of others. Even with a low mastery of the skill, only a few individuals will see through it. That's how great the ancient vampires were," Harkor explained, never missing an opportunity to extol the superiority of the ancient vampires over the new ones. Having experienced both worlds, Alex had to agree that the ancient vampires were far more intimidating and skilled.

Once inside the training room, Harkor demonstrated the skill firsthand, as it was the best way for Alex to determine if it was worth his time or not. A type of energy appeared above Harkor's hands, different from his blood magic – a purple energy, something Alex had never seen before.