Arguing In the Hotel's Courtyard

The Golden Dragon Hotel was not a place for the poor; therefore, most players could only dream of going there. At least in the early stages of the game.

When Alex arrived there, there were a few players enjoying the luxurious atmosphere of the hotel. It had turned into one of the best places for meetings because of its security!

The guild leaders and high-ranking members of said guilds would always do their meetings there, as it was even safer than their own headquarters!

Most did the meetings inside their rooms—it had the best overall protection with enchantments to avoid sound leaking and prying.

But some did their meetings in the hotel's courtyard, in the garden. Their meetings did not require the extra layer of protection the rooms provided.

So, when Alex arrived at the hotel, all the players who were outside stared at him. That was starting to become the norm, so Alex did not mind and went straight to the counter to speak with the attendant.