Port Jeria, Adventurer's Guild

"Why do they wear different armor?" Alex asked his friends as he stared at the guards patrolling the gate.

"Now that you mention it," Divine Flower said, "If I remember correctly, both guards from Eldoria and Crystal use similar colors, and there's a symbol on their armor too!"

The symbol she was referring to was the one from the Platora Kingdom. Each city had its own ruler, but the king was the one everyone listened to, and all military had to wear the symbol, as they were all part of the same army.

But the guards patrolling the port city were not using the symbol and colors from the Platora Kingdom, which seemed odd.

When they got close to the gate, two guards came to speak with them. It was a normal thing in all cities due to the high number of adventurers, merchants, and travelers. The guards needed to know if a person was dangerous before letting inside the city, and merchants with prohibited items could not enter as well.