More Clues

"So you are the person responsible for cleaning and sharpening the knives? During the night-shift, of course," Alex said, carefully watching the man's every move and expression.

"Uh, you are right. Not only me, but Fred helps me out, and there are other two during the day-shift. Why?"

Alex went straight for the question, "A knife from the kitchen disappeared a week ago. No one said anything about it. Did you notice?"

It was impossible for the man not to notice. He was the person responsible for taking care of the knives, so if he didn't see it, then no one else would. The man only stared at Alex, and after a while he said, "Yes, one knife disappeared. But I warned the manager, and that was it. After that, it was out of my power."

That wasn't a lie, at least Alex did not think so. The manager was the one who said about the missing knife, and according to the young worker before him, he had warned the manager previously.