Tournament is Happening

Joseph's house was massive, and it had everything Alex could think of. One of the things that caught his attention was the library and a room with all kinds of art works, like paintings, sculptures, etc.

"So you are into this art stuff?" Alex asked.

The person showing the place to him was Mary, Joseph's granddaughter. "Yes, kind of. I did a few paintings that are here, actually."

"Wow, really?" Alex said as he leaned forward to check one of the paintings, and on the bottom, it had the name Mary written on it.

"It was once my hobby, and now I make some money out of it. Not that I need that much, my grandfather is rich," Mary said.

She had a carefree life, having the choice to do anything she enjoyed without thinking about making money with it. Alex was kind of jealous of her, yet only for a moment. He was not that type of person.