Noises Coming from the Forest

Alex was attentively listening to what the fisherman had to say. Not only him, but the others too.

"You see those planks blocking the road ahead? It is an unexplored part of the island, and as far as I know, there's nothing there, but the people from this meeting I talked about went there for some reason," the old man said.

The whole situation was strange, but Alex couldn't see a link between that and the recent murder.

'Maybe I am just too blind, this certainly has something to do with Silas murder!'

He thanked the fisherman, "Thank you for this. If you see or hear anything else that may look strange, you can always look for me. I am staying in one of the hotels in the city."

Alex explained how the fisherman could contact him if anything happened, and he left the cabin afterwards, going toward the blocked road.