Speaking with Shanasha

The worshippers of Shanasha treated Alex better than he had expected. They did everything he told them to, and listened to his commands without thinking. He asked the cultist leader about it and he explained it to him.

"Did you hear Shanasha's voice back then, right? She speaks with us sometimes during our prayers, and she orders us to listen to you. You are our leader now," the cultist leader said.

That explained a lot. 'So higher forces are trying to make me bring back Shanasha faith into this world. Is it worth it or not?'

They would be labeled as demon worshippers, at least in the Platora Kingdom. Alex had no idea if the other kingdoms thought similarly. There were only a few deities worshiped in the kingdoms, and most of them were controlled by the church of light. Shanasha faith would never have space in the kingdoms.