Chapter 1: First Encounter with the Past_2

Ying Sun, this man, perhaps, is even more dangerous than the ferocious hawk. Though right now, he seems unassuming.

He slowly scanned the terrain ahead, his obsidian-like eyes murky and unclear, the next moment.

"Towards the left." There, it seemed like something was there.

But whether it was good fortune or fate, at such a moment, perhaps they could only leave it to destiny.

Although he never believed in fate; compared to these, he trusted his instincts and abilities more.

"Be careful."

"Yes." Black Shark and Xigua exchanged a glance, heading towards the direction without any hesitation.

"We'll scout ahead, you guys stay alert in the back." If anything happens, protecting the captain is their only mission.

A silent nod came from the group behind them.

Even without saying, they understood.

Ying Sun could manage without them, however, they absolutely could not be without their captain! Without them, the captain could train new Ying Suns, but without the captain, Ying Sun would cease to exist.

However, they may not have thought that it's because they are together, that they are called Ying Sun, because, they are one!


Following the man's instructions, the group carefully proceeded towards the direction indicated. Despite a prolonged walk, they had yet to encounter anything or the dangers that should've been present in the Black Forest. The journey seemed unusually calm.

They really didn't know whether to call themselves lucky or unlucky.

Just then, a cry of a hawk and a roar of a leopard suddenly sounded in their ears. Unconsciously exchanging glances, they all saw wariness in each other's eyes.

Perhaps, the first danger of the day had arrived.

"Three Balls, stay alert. Xigua and I will scout ahead." Black Shark instantly made a decision.

The group nodded, stopped in their tracks, heightened their vigilance, casually wiping the rain from their faces, with sharp eyes constantly observing every single thing around them.

After exchanging glances, the two of them cautiously advanced towards the direction of the sound.

The sound just now came from where they were supposed to pass next. Even if they wanted to go around, given the terrain and the timing, they didn't know how to navigate around, dangers are lurking at every corner.

However, when the two of them arrived at the source of the sound, they were shocked by the sight before them and instinctively hid behind a tree.

A hawk and a leopard, right at this moment, were fiercely fighting each other, neither giving any ground.

The leopard, as a type of feline, naturally inhabites forests and shrubs with agile movements. Although it's not the strongest, not a single animal could match its degree of agility. It's a pity, the hawk is a creature of the sky, if it was in an open space, it might not lose, but unfortunately, the jungle with its winding trees obstructed its movements. Moreover, with such weather, its feathers were soaked by rainwater, making it extraordinarily worn out.

It seemed like it was about to lose!

Just as the two of them were thinking this, the next moment, the hawk's wing was trapped under the leopard's paw and it struggled to break free.

Black Shark's body jolted, then the next moment, in Xigua's astonishment, there was a "bang". The leopard fell unconscious, the hawk broke free from underneath it. The hawk's sharp eyes instantly locked onto the two's hiding spot. Xigua instinctively tensed up, but the hawk only focused on Black Shark for a moment before swiftly flying away without any hesitation.


"Black Shark, what were you doing?" Xigua was puzzled, Black Shark was never a soft-hearted person, yet today he saved a hawk, moreover, a dangerous hawk at that.

"That's a goshawk." Black Shark put away his handgun and said nonchalantly.

The goshawk, also known as northern goshawk, is a national second-level protected animal, the king of hawks, majestic in stature and remarkable in plumage. It represents bravery, wisdom, perseverance, integrity, initiative, and an unyielding spirit. It's undoubtedly the king of all hawks; it's astonishing that they witnessed such a scene.

If it hadn't been raining today, even in the Black Forest, Black Shark believed that this leopard was not a match for the goshawk.

Most importantly, its name resonated with theirs, prompting him to act.

Upon hearing Black Shark's words, Xigua nodded thoughtfully; he should be able to understand what Black Shark was thinking. After hearing the name of the goshawk, no other explanation was necessary.

The meaning represented by Ying Sun and the significance behind the goshawk, anyone from the Ying Sun Special Forces would understand with just a glance.

After all, in their minds, they were one—or the other way around!

With this thought, the two of them turned around and walked towards where they had come from.

Perhaps, the captain's intuition was right! There must be something in this direction.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

An ancient house, flickering with a faint warm light, stood tall and serene, exuding an air of antiquity.

Just then, a long cry of a hawk, sounding closer and closer. As if sensing something, the initially closed window slowly opened, a slender arm gently reached out, unconcerned about the soft drizzle.

The goshawk let out a long cry, and slowly, with a few beats of its wings, landed on the slender arm, extremely docile, its glossy eyes unwaveringly fixed on the room, it moved its mouth, made a soft sound, and in its sight, there was a hint of flattery.

The next moment, a drawn-out sigh sounded, tinged with a hint of helplessness, "Oh? Someone saved you!"