Chapter 7 Airport Clash_1

J City, the airport.

Her jet-black hair flowed down to her waist, the corners of her mouth slightly curved upwards revealing a faint smile, yet her indifferent phoenix eyes resembled an icy spring on a snow-capped mountain, devoid of warmth. She wore a long, slightly vintage light blue dress, her figure slender. A small cream-colored bag hung on her back. Even though her attire seemed incongruous with the reality, it harmonized wonderfully with the young girl's pretty face and temperament, attracting many curious and admiring glances.

No doubt, Mu Lin was beautiful.

Walking out of the airport, the sun shone rather fiercely, the hustle and bustle of traffic making the place bustling.

She tilted her head slightly, her phoenix eyes slightly squinting, the smile on her lips seemed more sincere than the previous moment.

J City, the Capital City of A Country, it has been a while since she visited here.

A gentle smile pulled at the corners of her mouth, tinged with nostalgia.

Master, how wonderful it would be if you were still by Linlin's side now.

Previously, she always found his nagging annoying, but now, even if she wanted to hear it, she no longer had the chance.

She shook her head, deciding not to dwell on it; Mu Lin knew, anything more was just a pipe dream.

She walked towards the taxis not far away.

However, at that moment.

"Xiaohao, Xiaohao, what's wrong with you, don't scare mom!" A panicked voice filled with a hint of crying implied a complete loss of composure.

Pausing for a moment, she turned and slowly walked towards the source of the voice.

By the time Mu Lin reached there, the place was already crowded. Making her way into the crowd, saw an elderly man seriously giving commands.

The child, around the age of ten, was being restrained by several adults to prevent him from hurting himself, while his body violently convulsed.

The old man, after taking a deep breath, reassured the boy's mother, "It's ok now, as long as he gets through this, the seizure will not come back for a while, but you should get medical attention as soon as possible." Not having any medical tools, this was the most he could do.

"Thank you, thank you…" the Child's mother repeatedly voiced her gratitude.

"Sir, do you know what happened to my child just now? Why did he suddenly become like this?" From the old man's handling of the situation, the mother suspected he knew the cause.

Hearing the mother's words, the old man looked up and asked, "Is this the first time your child has had this kind of fit?" Frowning slightly, he thought that for a first-time seizure, it shouldn't be this severe.

After thinking for a moment, the boy's mother said, "He seemed to have a fit once before, but it was over after a few convulsions. I didn't think it was serious, so I didn't take him to the hospital for an examination." Now thinking back, she felt a chill.

"It appears that it is epilepsy, no doubt about it." The old man sighed.

Epilepsy, also termed as sheep madness, is a common disease these days, appearing increasingly in children. Though it isn't a major illness, it is quite troublesome.

"What!" However, upon hearing this, the boy's mother was stunned. With disbelief, she looked at the old man, on the verge of tears. "How could this happen? What should I do now?"

In modern times, although there are cases of cured epilepsy, the disease is still stigmatized. A series of problems will ensue for the victim, especially children, they will face isolation from their peers.

Seeing the woman, the old man sighed and continued, "You should take your child to the hospital as soon as possible. The earlier the disease is discovered, the greater the chance of a cure. Remember this." There should still be a chance of cure now.

"Alright, thank you, thank you…" Despite the situation, the mother managed a shaky thank you.

However, in the next moment.

"This isn't right. Why is the child's convulsion becoming more violent?" A man holding the child looked up with confusion at the old man. The woman immediately knelt, hands trembling, not knowing what to do as she looked at her child.

The old man furrowed his brows, deep in thought.

Based on outward appearances, he couldn't figure out what the problem was.

"His illness isn't epilepsy." Amidst the crowd's attention to the development of the event, a clear and cool female voice suddenly rang out.

Subconsciously, everyone turned to look at her. The young girl, with her cold countenance and extraordinary temperament, stood there, like an exiled fairy, inducing a moment of trance in everyone.

Mu Lin walked over to the old man, nodded slightly at him.

The old man looked at the beautiful young girl in front of him, a bit puzzled. He wasn't too proud to ask, "Then what is it, if it's not epilepsy?"

"Epilepsy, colloquially known as 'sheep madness,' also known as epilepsy, is a type of disease with a wide range triggered by multiple factors that cause paroxysmal abnormal discharge of a group of neurons in the brain, resulting in paroxysmal motor, sensory, consciousness, mental, autonomic nerve function abnormalities. However, it is not the same in Chinese medicine." She paused slightly, then continued. "Strictly speaking, epilepsy is a general term, with a broad scope. In Chinese medicine, it is divided into wind epilepsy, terror epilepsy, food epilepsy, phlegm epilepsy, worm epilepsy, stasis epilepsy, cold epilepsy, heat epilepsy, and so on. Each onset has a different source, to put it simply, it can also be classified according to Yin-Yang theory. This child's symptoms might look like epilepsy, but they are not. Treating him according to epilepsy will only make his condition worse."

While speaking, she squatted down and opened her small bag. Inside were only utensils for eating and a wallet.

Her hand moved to the boy's pulse, a slight curve appeared on her lips, but it didn't interrupt her movements.

"Could you help me move the child, so his back is facing me?" Mu Lin instructed.

The few people looked at Mu Lin, then turned to the old man. After seeing the old man nod, they followed Mu Lin's instructions and positioned the boy with his back towards her.

Mu Lin gave a soft laugh.

People often judged by appearances, it seemed her youthful looks were sometimes disadvantageous.

Perhaps the only one here who didn't judge by appearances was this old man.

Even though he practiced western medicine, he had also studied a bit of Chinese medicine. Mu Lin had only shared basic Chinese medicine knowledge, but he believed her. Her daring to refute him in front of so many people and her decisive actions made him decide to trust her.

After all, healers have parental hearts!