Chapter 12 Elder Mei_1

The following day, the sun was just right.

J Province Hospital.

Before coming here, Mu Lin had done a little research online about this place. The J Province Hospital was praised more than it was criticised. Almost no derogatory words were found, which indicated that the management here was quite commendable. Perhaps, the medical skills of the doctors here were also praiseworthy.

Almost all the doctors and nurses in the J Province Hospital were top-placed graduates from various medical universities. Of course, there were also exceptions, like Mu Lin.

Digging and discovering.

The hospital predominantly practiced Western medicine, with Chinese medicine being secondary. This wasn't due to a particular classification but rather because there were too few practitioners of Chinese medicine. This was one of the reasons why Zhou Jiansheng had brought Mu Lin over.

Once inside the hospital, everything was well-organized. There were many patients but everything was orderly. The doctors and nurses were not excessively enthusiastic, but they weren't indifferent either.

Before coming here, Mu Lin had already spoken to Zhou Jiansheng over the phone and arrived a little early. At this time, she was quietly waiting in the hall, silently observing the people coming and going.

Her expression was calm.

About five minutes went by before Zhou Jiansheng finally arrived. Behind him was an elderly man full of vitality. By the looks of it, he had taken good care of his health. In fact, both of them seemed to have done so.

As soon as he saw Mu Lin, the corners of Zhou Jiansheng's mouth rose into a grin, his eyes nearly squinting into slits.

"Mr. Zhou." Mu Lin slowly got up.

"How did you sleep last night? If you aren't comfortable in the hotel, I can help arrange another place for you. A more comfortable one." Zhou Jiansheng said with a smile. Of course, the most comfortable place would be his home, especially as there were a few young boys at his house around the same age. If they happened to hit it off well, it would be perfect.

It seemed that Zhou Jiansheng had not given up on his plan to lure Mu Lin into his home, and he had even started to think of skewed alternatives.

But sadly for him,

"Thank you Mr. Zhou, but there's no need." Mu Lin smiled and shook her head, "I'm quite happy living in the hotel." She had been accustomed to traveling everywhere with her master, so no matter where she stayed, she wouldn't feel anything special.

It was simply a temporary resting place. In this world, no place could compare to the home she shared with her master. Living in the mountains was the most comfortable, which was why Mu Lin had stayed in the mountains for so long.

"Well, if you say so." Zhou Jiansheng reluctantly nodded, "I will show you your clinic now, I have already arranged it for you yesterday. If there's anything you don't like or want to change, feel free to tell me." Saying thus, he turned around with Mu Lin and was about to leave.

But then, the next moment,

"Cough cough..." A heavy coughing sound echoed beside them, it was the old man who came with Zhou Jiansheng. "You old fellow, have you forgotten something?"

Really, didn't he see he was still standing there? He had come today specifically for this young girl. He was curious to meet her in person and, if possible, witness her medical skills, especially the acupuncture techniques that his good friend Zhou Jiansheng couldn't stop talking about.

Who would've thought that this old fellow's attitude would change completely after seeing the girl, instantly forgetting about his existence.


Mei Qingyuan appeared somewhat helpless.

The Mei Family was a scholarly family, an aristocratic family of Chinese medicine with hundreds of years of heritage. However, after Mei Qingyuan, none of his descendants showed interest in Chinese medicine. Up to now, he was still unable to find a true successor.

Mei Qingyuan really worried that all his medical knowledge would go with him to the grave, never to see the light of day again.

As for Mu Lin, his interest in her wasn't just out of curiosity.


Only upon hearing the complaints of the man next to him did Zhou Jiansheng remember that his old buddy was still there. He quickly made room and introduced him to Mu Lin, "I almost forgot to introduce. This is my old friend, a senior Chinese Medicine Doctor here at our hospital. As for what to call him, you can call him whatever you like."

No sooner had he spoken, an eyeroll was immediately sent his way by his friend.

"Mr. Mei." Regardless of age or experience, the man before her was a senior, and his age was almost the same as her master. Thus, addressing him as Mr. Mei was only appropriate.

It is said that Poison Doctors are peculiar by nature, choosing to heal patients based on their mood. However, this is not all true.

For Mu Lin, she treated patients based on her mood or the connection she felt with them. After all, some people wouldn't contribute much to the world even if saved. They were only a waste of food and harmful to others. Saving such people were sheer wastage of the valuable herbs she had painstakingly collected.

Looking at Mu Lin, Mei Qingyuan's face softened into a benevolent smile.

Then Zhou Jiansheng added, "Girl, Mr. Mei usually doesn't stay in the hospital half the time. If you want to learn something from him, you can also go directly to his house." He decisively made the decision as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Indeed, he was simply expressing Mei Qingyuan's inner thoughts.

The Zhou Family and Mei Family lived close to each other. Just a few steps away. If Mu Lin visited the Mei Family, he would also get more opportunities to meet her and simultaneously learn and admire each other's medical skills.

"Yes, I will definitely visit to learn if I get a chance, and I hope Mr. Mei will not hesitate to teach me." As the pillar of the Chinese Medicine world in J Province Hospital, Mei Qingyuan must surely possess astonishing medical skills.

"Hehehe... always welcome."

Looking at the girl who showed no pretentiousness, Mei Qingyuan's fondness for Mu Lin deepened again.

Coherent, modest, not falling into pride. She's definitely a great girl, and will definitely be a good trainee.

After that, with Mu Lin taking the lead, the three of them walked towards the clinic that had been arranged for her.

It wasn't until the three left that the doctors, nurses, and the staff around the hall could finally relax. They hadn't expected to see the two elders who were usually hard to meet in such a place. They wondered about the identity of the young girl who could warrant such special attention from the two elders.

She must not be an ordinary person.