Chapter 14 Counter Poison with Poison_1

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Zhang. I am powerless." The poison had drenched her internal organs; it was beyond hope.

Standing before the noblewoman, Mei Qingyuan's eyes held an apology and helplessness.

It wasn't that he didn't want to save them, but rather... ah... this was a kind of poison he had never encountered before.

Hearing Mei Qingyuan's words, Mr. and Mrs. Zhang staggered, almost collapsing, had it not been for the people behind them catching them in time.

Although they had already mentally prepared themselves.

But still...

This was their only heir as a couple. Was it indeed going to disappear just like this?

It was all her fault. If it wasn't for her asking him to accompany her to see his father today, nothing would have happened.

Seeing Mrs. Zhang on the brink of despair, Mei Qingyuan exhaled slowly, a sense of helplessness in his heart. Even though he was a doctor, yet, he could not... revive the dead.

Revive the dead!

As these words surfaced in his mind, Mei Qingyuan suddenly turned to look at Mu Lin, only to find that her eyes were filled with an unusually piercing determination.

A chill ran down his spine. Could it be possible that Mu Lin had no other options either?

Stepping to Mu Lin's side, Mei Qingyuan hesitated before asking, "Miss Mu, do you think... you can save him?" He had to ask. Perhaps Mu Lin might be the last shred of hope for this young man.

However, this question stirred commotion among everyone present.

What's going on? Why would Elder Mei even ask a little girl if she could save a life? Wasn't this too ridiculous? Could it be that a task impossible for Elder Mei himself could supposedly be accomplished by the naive young girl who had been silently observing the young lord of the Zhang Family all this while!

And yet, the next moment, Mu Lin's answer took everyone by surprise.

"Yes." Her fierce gaze softened, and as she observed the lord of the Zhou Family, Mu Lin slowly nodded her acknowledgment.

A cold gleam passed through her eyes.

Why was it that something that should have been hers was found within this boy? This was what she wanted to know first and foremost.

If that was the case, she must save this man in front of her.


"You really can save him!" Zhou Jiansheng looked at Mu Lin in helpless disbelief. "The toxins have penetrated his organs already, girl, this is no laughing matter."

"Rest assured, Elder Zhou. When it comes to healing, I never joke around." Otherwise, her Master would have her punished.

"You really can save my son?" Even before anyone could react, Mrs. Zhang was the first to respond upon hearing Mu Lin's assertion.

She shoved her husband aside and rushed desperately to Mu Lin, grabbing her by the arm. Her eyes were fixed on Mu Lin, determined to get the answer she was hoping for in her heart.

There was pleading in her eyes.

She didn't care who was speaking, she would try anything if there was even the slightest glimmer of hope.

"I don't like strangers getting too close to me." Noting the noblewoman tightly gripping her hands, Mu Lin casually reminded.

She never had a mother growing up, and thus she never knew what a mother, maternal love, felt like. But she felt a kind of understanding in the presence of this noble woman.

So that's what it feels like to be a mother… right?


Hearing Mu Lin's aloof response, Mrs. Zhang instinctively released her grip for fear that Mu Lin would get angry and refuse to help. She nervously held to the hem of her dress, but her eyes continued to gaze unwaveringly at Mu Lin.

She had yet to get the answer she wanted.

"Yes." Meeting Mrs. Zhang's gaze, Mu Lin finally nodded. "As long as you trust me, it's possible." Because she never saved anyone who did not trust her.

Her abilities allowed no room for doubts as they were a legacy passed on from her Master's life.

"I trust." Mrs. Zhang nodded without hesitation after seeing Mu Lin.

She had already lost hope after Mei Qingyuan declared his helplessness. But when the young girl in front of her claimed that the person could be saved right after Mei Qingyuan had made his statement, she was willing to trust her, even if it was just a slim chance of hope.

All she wanted was for her son to open his eyes again and smile at her.

"Wan Yi, don't be like this." Mr. Zhang walked up to his wife and tightly embraced her, the sadness in his gaze overflowing.

He too wanted to believe the little girl before him, but...

While Mrs. Zhang was nearly irrational, it did not mean that Mr. Zhang was equally incapable of pondering; he wanted very much to have faith in the young girl in front of him, but she was just a girl about the same age as his son. How could her medical skills surpass those of Elder Mei?

Mr. Zhang thought that Elder Mei must have been testing her earlier.

"Jintian, I believe her; she will surely save our son, right? I won't lose him! You trust her as well, don't you?" Turning to look at him, raising her head, her eyes were full of pleading.

Seeing Mrs. Zhang in this state, Mr. Zhang felt his eyes grow hot, then gradually blur.

Pursing his lips tightly, he finally nodded, "Okay, I believe." He had no other choice.

Their child was suffering because of him, and his heart was full of sorrow; but what troubled him most was, if they truly lost their child, how would he console his wife?

In that case, they should hope for a miracle.

He could only hope that the girl before him had some unknown capabilities, and that she could truly save his son and his wife, who was already on the brink of breakdown.

As long as she could save them, he was willing to agree to any request or condition.

"Please, doctor," he pleaded.

Nodding slightly, Mu Lin walked up to the man. She softly lifted his eyelids only to find that his pupils had already dilated.

This man was already at death's door, with one foot in Hades' Underworld and the other halfway in as well.

Mu Lin reached out to feel his pulse, and the corners of her mouth lifted in a faint smile.

"Although the poison has already seeped into his internal organs, it's not too late." The only prerequisite is that the person must be able to prepare the antidote for her poison.

Hades' poison was the deadliest one that Mu Lin had ever researched. Its potency was such that a person touched by just a little of it would be struck dead instantly, their souls condemned to Hades' Underworld. The effect of the poison in the young man was not as severe as Hades' poison, but it was almost as deadly.

But fortunately, there was still time.

Though it might be a bit of a hassle.


"It can truly be treated." Upon hearing the confidence in Mu Lin's voice, Mr. Zhang asked, surprised and subconsciously filled with joy: "How is the poison to be cured?" Since the poison had already infiltrated the internal organs, what could be the cure? Even if there was an antidote, could it genuinely be effective?

"Fight poison with poison!" Her voice was cool, calm, and indifferent, but her words were shocking.

Fight poison with poison, but what... what was to be used to fight?

Of course, it was poison.