Chapter 33: Disdain from the Old Man (First Update)_1

It was quiet, so quiet that even the sound of someone swallowing saliva could be heard clearly.

Of course, it was also mixed with the sound of the car starting.

"Boss, where are we..." going first?

"To the Jing residence." The voice was frosty, and the moment the sentence ended, the car roared off wildly, leaving his brothers dazed by the roadside.

Darn, why is he in such a rush!

The car rushed forward, and the inside remained quiet.

The helpless guy sitting in the co-driver's seat only had a stomach full of bitterness.

Why did he choose to hitch a ride with the boss? It was self-inflicted! He'd have rather run back home; perhaps he might have even had some romantic adventure on his way. No wonder he saw so many eyes gleaming with schadenfreude earlier.

Those treacherous guys.

Looking at Xigua in the rearview mirror, he looked just like a frightened young wife.

Lately, they've been trained so harshly that they're all on the brink of mental break down.