Chapter 63: Mu Lin is actually lost in thought_1

In the blink of an eye, a week had already passed. Today was the day Mu Lin was to give Xu Yibai his final acupuncture treatment, and it was also the deadline for her to give Jing Chen an answer.

This day found two influential men nervous, but it had no impact on... Mu Lin was nevertheless in a relaxed and carefree mood.

"Done." Mu Lin retracted the needle from Xu Yibai's leg, her lips curving lightly. Ignoring the excited glint in Xiang Manni's eyes, she walked back to her seat. As she prescribed and instructed, "The final acupuncture session is over. I'll prescribe you another potion, mainly to cleanse the waste in your blood after the opening. You should take it before bed tonight, and you can try to stand up tomorrow. If you can stand, that means…" The curve of her lips deepened, "From tomorrow onwards, your leg will be no different from a normal person's." Whether running or jumping, there won't be any more problems. This much she could guarantee.