Chapter 98: Mu Lin Targeted by the Fox (Four more updates)_1

"Speak normally." Mu Lin spoke indifferently, the more she interacted with these boys, the more she noticed their idiotic nature, as conspicuous as a husky.

The idiot frown disappeared in an instant. It vanished so quickly that it hurt and made him grit his teeth.

Next moment, a fair palm appeared before him, in which was a dark red pill, "Take it, it helps reduce bruising." It will be quicker, as your face is so ugly, it's affecting my appetite.

Mu Lin always carried around some simple emergency pills.

Luckily, Jing Youlan didn't know Mu Lin's thoughts at that moment. Otherwise, she would have been less moved and wouldn't have hesitated to pop the pill into her mouth. She wondered if it was just her imagination when her facial pain suddenly became less.

Actually, it wasn't that painful, the kid was just pretending to be pitiful.