Chapter 106: Mu Lin's Achilles' Heel (Updated Once)_1

"Hmm." The other party's response was still aloof, but Ye Xiwen was already used to it, and continued on her own accord: "Right, you two haven't introduced yourselves yet, this is Mu Lin." Despite having just met her, Ye Xiwen naturally assumed the role of the bridge between the two. She then looked at Mu Lin and said, "Mu Lin, this is Yue Qiao. Don't be put off by her cold demeanor, she's actually a very easygoing person."

Yue Qiao did not respond to the description of being 'easygoing'.

Mu Lin just smiled mildly, remaining silent.

To her, everyone should be easy to get along with, shouldn't they?

Mu Lin had already naturally processed the maiden's comment on her being easy-going.

"I am Mu Lin. Please, take care of me from now on." The slight smile on Mu Lin's lips showed a hint of sarcasm. For her, socialising with so many people was a fairly unfamiliar concept.

It would be an interesting experience.