Chapter 116: The warmth of two people (First Update) _1

In the afternoon, they returned to the military camp.

The military regulations were strict; the number of people the instructor took out was the exact number they must bring back, otherwise they would face severe punishment. As such, whether Yue Qiao was willing or not, she had to return to the camp first before making other plans.

Inside the dormitory, Ye Xiwen and Xia Luoyu watched Yue Qiao with some worry. Since her return, Yue Qiao had been sitting motionless for nearly an hour, not speaking, nor doing anything.

They had just gone to find Instructor Ling, but unfortunately, he was not in his room.

At that moment, there was a knock at the door.

Ye Xiwen hurried over to open the door, wondering if Mu Lin had returned, but it never occurred to her that if it was Mu Lin, there would be no need to knock in order to enter.