Chapter 163: Mr. Jing Feels Jealous (First Update)_1

After the meal, Mu Lin and Fang Zi, along with his wife, went to their resting area.

Leaning sideways on a chair, with his injured leg resting on another chair, Mu Lin was examining the leg, looking and touching it.

"Have you figured anything out?" Oddly enough, even though he knew Mu Lin was a doctor and it was inevitable for doctors and patients to have some close contact, Jing Chen felt inexplicably uncomfortable witnessing this interaction, even with his former comrade, creating a sense of unease in his heart.

All at once, Jing Chen found himself wishing that if Mu Lin wasn't a doctor, or was a western doctor, that would be fine because Western medicine basically uses equipment and doesn't require as much complexity yet simplicity as Chinese Medicine does or all the physical contact involved and the need to touch another man's body.