You attack high, I attack low!

One person strikes high, one person handles low, their tacit understanding is fully utilized at that moment, surprisingly forcing Lin Shan to retreat somewhat.

They still have so much energy left.

Lin Shan was taken aback, struggling to cope.

Meanwhile, Ye Qing and Yue Qiao simply wiped away the blood at the corners of their mouths, the gleam in Yue Qiao's eyes colder than ever.

She dislikes the look in the other woman's eyes very much. In her eyes, they are just insignificant as ants, letting her toy with them at will.

When looking at Ye Qing, Yue Qiao's eyes are filled with a strong desire to fight. No matter what, she can't lose to her, she can't!

Without any hesitation, Yue Qiao took the initiative to attack again. Every punch and kick fully demonstrated her relentless power. The woman in front of her was an enemy, and she had to defeat her.

That was the only thought running through Yue Qiao's mind at the moment.