Chapter 194 - 'Non-human when casually woken up' (First update) _2

"Did you understand?" Yue Qiao asked after a while.

Zhou Yicen nodded in a daze, "Understood ... I think." He'd really only grasped the gist of what she was saying; for the most part, his mind was in a state of chaos, struggling to reorder the broken fragments of speech he'd absorbed.

"Good." At these words, Yue Qiao moved her head away from his shoulder. Her icy but clear eyes focused on his handsome face, now so close to her own. Unaccountably, her cheeks began to turn pink.

Although this wasn't her first time being so close to a man (since body contact was inevitable during training), it was the first time Yue Qiao blushed because of a man. The appearance of this third expression in her otherwise cold eyes—beyond her occasional light smile—was something worth remembering.

She stood on her tiptoes and slowly closed her eyes, and her rosy, glowly lips gradually moved closer to his face.