Chapter 205 - Everything is wife-oriented (third update)_1

Right now, she only knew that if the silver needle was on her own body,

Ahem, inexplicably, her little face turned beet red once again, her heart thumping with joy. But her expression was still one of gritted teeth and clenched jaws.

"Linlin, are you satisfied now?" He looked at Mu Lin with a charming smile.

"Satisfied my foot." Frustrated and blushing, Mu Lin didn't hear how Jing Chen had referred to himself, otherwise she would have retorted, "You're the ghost, wife."

Jing Chen burst into laughter, completely satisfied by the vibrant face before him.

The one he loved was slowly changing, he hoped that one day, he could see a genuine smile in her eyes, not the habitual fake one.

Laugh when she should be happy, be joyful when she should be elated. However, he did not want to see the loneliness and pain dye her clear eyes again. Because when that happens, he would feel pain, even more so than her.