Chapter 207 - Agreement (Second Update)_2

At the training ground for the new recruits, everyone saw the two instructors waiting for them as they got off the bus. It had been only a few days since they last saw each other, but they were dearly missed indeed! Looking at Ling Qi's smiling face, everyone felt a deep sense of warmth.

It was only three days ago, but those three days held a different kind of experience.

Assembly complete.

Looking at the faces in front of him, faces that had gradually lost their youthful innocence, Ling Qi was always satisfied. Looking at everyone, his smile never faded. "You all, well done!" For the first time, Ling Qi complimented others without hesitation. "In just three short days, you've cracked cases that others have not been able to crack in a couple of months. Not only have you raided the drug trafficker's hideout in our territory, but you also accidentally cracked another significant case. It seems that your three months of hard work have not been in vain."