Chapter 225: Covering Her (Second Update)_2

Is Mu Lin really just an ordinary doctor?

He remembered that whenever a doctor visited their house in the past, the doctor used to speak cautiously, always considering their family's feelings. But it's completely different with Mu Lin. Everything seems upside down.

Does his father really have to be so serious about it?

She's staying in the Presidential Suite, and their entire family has come out to welcome her. The only people missing are the old master and mistress of the family.

He really wanted to know, did the sun rise in the west today? Looking up, all he could see was a grey haze.

Ah... he seemed to have forgotten that the weather forecast had said it was going to be cloudy today. No sunshine...

Hearing what Hong Boyuan had said, Mu Lin just glanced at him lightly. "Didn't that man just tell you?" Mu Lin was referring to the lobby manager.

"He said you're a doctor and that my father personally invited you to take care of my grandfather." He knew all that.